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the WalkingDead season2: episode1part1

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  • downloads links always have ads

  • added new

    unity3d.html has been added

    • few other updates and more is coming
      sorry most of the pages arent avaliable now
  • why am using neocities to host my website


  • first of all because it's free
  • and it doesn't have any ads or pop ads
  • and the most important its make's you chose your own website with your own code so you wont be trapped at a few of templates here you can make your own from the zero or just have it from the internet

    be smart with 20mb of site memory size

  • to save your site memory size don't upload your photos or videos directly to your website
  • use another sites to host your videos like youtube and copy the link to your website or make a launcher so visitors can watch your youtube video on your website
  • and you can use your facebook to host your photos and copy the link to your html file
  • and if you dont want your facebook friends to see it just make it private and copy the link to your site
  • admin login